March 9, 2014
When did we begin learning? I think most of us understand the answer to this. When do we stop learning? I think we understand the answer to this also. However, I all too often run into people that think... [read more]
March 3, 2014
How many unfinished projects, plans, things to do, do you currently have? My guess it is many more than one. The deeper we get into our businesses and for that matter our lives, the more chance we have for... [read more]
February 24, 2014
I learned a long time ago that most people will do more for someone else than they will do for themselves. I guess it is the deep-rooted need to take care of family, people we care about and put ourselves... [read more]
February 17, 2014
“What is the Number 1 challenge to your business” is a question I ask business owners. The number one answer I get is – “ME”, meaning them, getting into their own way, not doing what they say they are going... [read more]
February 10, 2014
As I stated previously, Vince Lombardi was one of my idols growing up and he had great influence on me for what he said, what he stood for. Lombardi Time was one of my very first business lessons, it has... [read more]