January 14, 2015
Many years ago I heard the statement—Have a Blast While You Last! I thought it was catchy and made sense because you only go around once in life and you really do need to enjoy it. You need to think about the abundance that life really does have to offer, the joys, and unfortunately the sorrows. Then reflect on how to turn the sorrows into positives and Have a Blast While you Last!
Life is too short to waste it. Any of it. If you live to be 80, you will live approximately 4000 weeks. I figure I have about 1000 (give or take a couple of hundred) left and I want to enjoy and get the most out of every one of them.
Over the past couple of months I have experienced health issues, that have hindered enjoying those months as much as I would have liked. So my focus is to ensure I fix or at least make the necessary accommodations to my health to ensure I maximize my time and Have a Blast.…
I went to a funeral recently that was promoted as a celebration. What a wonderful way to put it. Celebrate a life. Take pleasure in the joy people bring into your life and celebrate—Have a Blast.…
I watched a show about Jim Valvano, the former NC State Basketball coach that led them to the NCAA Basketball National Championship in 1983. During the show they played a video of one of his final speeches that many remember because he was dying of cancer and conveyed the message “Don’t give up, Don’t give up, Don’t ever give up!” Besides that incredible message, what got my attention was something else. He stated, “Live every day with enthusiasm” “Love your life” “Love your family and friends.” That’s what I plan on doing—living every day with enthusiasm so I can Have a Blast.…
Many downplay birthdays as just another day. No it is not. It is a day of celebration because YOU were born on that day and that is certainly worth celebrating. Last year for my 65th birthday I took a day totally for myself and did a lot of things I enjoy but rarely do. I made a list, planned it and did it. By the end of the day I was euphoric, pumped up and ready to take on the world. I was Having a Blast.…
Ensure you control your destiny—Have a Blast …, set goals, determine strategies to achieve the goals, and take the action to make the goals materialize. Do you have a bucket list? How long is it? Determine to achieve/experience each and every item on the list—Have a Blast.…
Do you realize that time is the one thing you will never get back? You can always get money back, and virtually everything else in life, but as time marches on, it is gone. Do not waste a minute of it. Do things you enjoy. Have a Blast.… Do you realize how much time the “got a minute” interruptions cost you. If you have to go back and re-read or figure out where you were on doing something and it costs you 15 minutes a day that equates to 91 hours a year. An hour a day = six weeks. Manage yourself to control your time and do not let others steal it. Have a Blast.…
Life is about Choices. Do you choose to celebrate or not? Do you choose to get over a set back or wallow in self pity? Do you choose to go for life’s gusto or sit back and let life happen? Do you choose to seize the day? Do you choose to be positive and energetic? Do you choose to HAVE A BLAST WHILE YOU LAST? It's your choice!