Happy 239th Birthday to the United States of America!


July 3, 2015

This being the weekend we celebrate the 239th birthday of our Nation, I wanted to convey some of my thoughts on our Country.


I love the 4th of July. Growing up it was one of my favorite holidays—maybe... [read more]

The Marvels of Modern Medical Technology


April 14, 2015

I think we all realize Medical Technology has come a long way over the years and decades. But until you really engage in it, you really do not understand how far it has come. Growing up in the ’50s and ’60s... [read more]

Incompetence or Apathy


February 9, 2015

Incompetence or Apathy is a question that has surrounded my dealings over the past couple of weeks with businesses in several different industries. Or maybe it is just a “failure to communicate” or a failure... [read more]

Remembering Mr. Cub


January 26, 2015

Those that know me understand that I am a huge baseball fan. So today, instead of blogging about business, my ideas and beliefs I am devoting this time to remember Ernie Banks, who died Friday.


All... [read more]

Have a Blast While You Last!


January 14, 2015

Many years ago I heard the statement—Have a Blast While You Last! I thought it was catchy and made sense because you only go around once in life and you really do need to enjoy it. You need to think about the... [read more]

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