Goal Setting & Planning Workshop


Wednesday Jun 7, 2017, 9:00 am


Creedmoor Business Center
109 S. Elm Street, Creedmoor NC, 27522

Are you on target to achieve the goals you established for 2017?

Ensure Your Business is Set Up for Success
Establish your 2nd Half Goals and/or get
back on track
Create your map to achieve your goals


Goal Setting and Planning Workshop
SMART Goals + Business Planning
Business Success 


Clarify your vision and goals
Enter the 2nd Half with a
Written Plan for Success 


Learn how experts set goals
and Plan to achieve those goals
Spend one half day creating YOUR Road Map
for the 2nd Half of 2017


Invest in Your Business!
Call Today to Reserve
Your Seat!


Contact Michael McConchie, from M&M Consultants at
either mike@mikemcconchie.com or 919-529-0616.


Grow Your Business, Grow Your Profits, Grow Yourself